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    Energy Efficiency h1 / Compliance Pathways

    Compliance Pathways

    Compliance Pathways

    There are different ways to show that a building complies with the Building Code. One way is through the use of acceptable solutions or verification methods. For the insulation requirements of H1 Energy Efficiency, there are two updated acceptable solutions and two verification methods that can be used to demonstrate that a building’s thermal resistance will meet the new requirements. Thermal resistance - how well the building is insulated - is specified in these documents using R-values.

    Acceptable Solutions

    The acceptable solutions for H1 (H1/AS1 & H1/AS2) contain tables and a simple calculation method to determine the R-values in a building. Only H1/AS1 can be used for ‘Residential & Buildings under 300m2’. Read more on H1/AS2 HERE.


    This acceptable solution can be used for all housing (of any size) and other types of small building with an area of occupied space up to 300m2. Housing and small buildings have similar heating and cooling requirements. To determine the minimum insulation requirements, this document contains two methods – Schedule and Calculation. These methods are intended to be used by anyone but have limitations for when they can be used. This cannot be used if your building has a curtain wall.

    Verification methods

    The verification methods for H1 (H1/VM1 & H1/VM2) contain rules for design professionals using computer modelling and software to determine the minimum amount of insulation required in a building and to demonstrate compliance with the Building Code. Only H1/VM1 can be used for ‘Residential & Buildings under 300m2’. Read more on H1/VM2 HERE


    This verification method can be used for all housing (of any size) and some other types of small building with an area of occupied space up to 300m2 – the same building types that fall under H1/AS1. However, unlike H1/AS1, there are no limitations on the type of Construction elements and specific designs the document covers for these buildings.

    The method used to determine the minimum insulation requirements is based on computer modelling and known as the Modelling method. Users of this method are expected to have specific training and expertise to conduct the simulations.

    Alternative solutions

    If designers or builders want to comply with the Building Code performance requirements directly, they may also choose to use an alternative solution as a compliance pathway.

    This will usually require specific design and input from suitably qualified people, such as architects or engineers. Alternative solutions are not deemed to comply with the Building Code and must be assessed by the relevant Building Consent Authority on their individual technical merits.

    For the insulation requirements, the alternative solution must satisfy the Performance Criteria in clause H1.3.1(a)