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PlaceMakers Auckland Regional Big Hook Up Fishing Competition
27th & 28th OCTOBER 2022
Entry: $150 Per Angler
PlaceMakers Entry Form Fishing Competition
Entry Criteria Conditions
- Entry through your primary account holder branch
- At least one team member must hold an active PlaceMakers Trade account (Active is defined as having purchased with PlaceMakers within the last 2 months) at one of the participating Auckland Branches.
- Only boat entries will be accepted. PlaceMakers will not be responsible for placing anglers on boats.
- PlaceMakers will not condone any boat owner bringing a non-compliant vessel to the competition. Spot checks could be carried out by the Harbour Master.
- All vessels must be fully compliant with the Auckland Regional Council by-laws.
Event Briefing
- This year’s event will be a “Measure only” tournament and fish will not be weighed. This means you will have the choice of what fish you need to keep for food and release the rest.
- A starter pack will be sent to each skipper which will contain all event information.
Entry Payment
- Entry payment will be charged to your PlaceMakers Trade Account.
- There will be no refunds of entry fees paid.
Entries limited to 400 anglers
Entries close 14th October 2022
Fishing Competition Terms & Conditions
The PlaceMakers Annual Fishing Contest is limited to our trade customers only. Each participant will be issued a registration card which must always be carried and used as entry into the prizegiving event. Anglers who cannot provide their proof of registration will not be eligible to win prizes.
Anglers must fish from the boat they are registered on unless cleared by the committee. Absolutely no unregistered boat may be fished from in this tournament.
Competition Timing
The competition will be held over 2 days, the 27th & 28th October 2022. Competition closes at 3.00pm on 28th October.
Start fishing each day will commence at 5am. Boats must check in and out with their ramp captain. This can be done via text or person by 6pm on Thursday and 4pm on Friday. This includes boats staying out overnight.
Entering your Catch
All catches will be assessed by length NOT weight by NZ Fishing Media Ltd. Full instructions will be sent to each angler via email upon registering as well as regular updates leading up to the commencement of the competition.
A digital photograph must be taken and uploaded by the angler to the Big Hook Up Competition website by the close of the competition at 3.00pm on Friday 28th October. For any technical difficulties please contact your ramp captain.
Eligible Species
Snapper, Kingfish, Kahawai, John Dory, Trevally, Gurnard. The photograph to be submitted must clearly show the whole fish on the measure mat provided, which confirms the measurement precisely and the placement complies with the rules for measuring your catch.
A maximum of one entry per category per angler is permitted.
Prize Terms and Conditions
Competition placing will be determined by fish length alone. NB: Ministry of Fisheries legal requirements must be adhered to.
Prize-giving will be held on 28th of October at Royal Akarana Yacht Club, 10 Tamaki Drive. Doors will open at 6.00pm sharp. Please note due to venue capacity limits no extra guests can be registered for the prize giving function.
Prize categories:
- Snapper 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
- Snapper Average Length
- Kingfish 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
- Kahawai 1st, 2nd, 3rd
- John Dory 1st
- Trevally 1st
- Gurnard 1st
- Spot prizes
Although the Tournament has been arranged for 2 days it is the skipper’s responsibility to determine that on any one day, the sea conditions and weather forecasts are safe for his/her boat to put to sea.
It is each Skipper’s responsibility to ensure that the boat they intend to participate in can put to sea safely and that the boat carries minimum legal safety equipment and inflation aids. Each boat must have a reliable means of communication, with the expectation that they can make contact, or be able to be always contacted.
Fishing Method
All fish caught must be taken by way of rod and reel - We rely on your integrity!
The tournament committee reserves the right to abandon, postpone or shorten the duration of the tournament for any reason.
There shall be no refunds of entry fees paid.
Fishing Area
Hauraki Gulf as per map with GPS Coordinates provided.
Disclaimer: All participants agree and accept:
- They enter this tournament at their own risk
- That boating and fishing involves a risk
- Not to hold tournament organisers, officials, sponsors or any other person involved with the tournament liable for any loss, injury to person or equipment incurred during the tournament.
- Notwithstanding any representation made, it shall be the responsibility of all participants to ensure that the provisions of all statutes, ordinances, regulations and by-laws related (but not limited to boating and fishing) are complied with
To enter The Big Hook Up Competition 2022 complete your form entry online.