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Ceiling Insulation Supplier Solutions - GreenStuf
GreenStuf BRANZ-appraised double-layer solution
Under the new H1 energy efficiency clause, in most cases, a single layer insulation method will no longer meet the required standards for ceiling insulation. The next solution to achieving the expected R-value is to use a double layer of insulation.
There has been uncertainty raised by some about the use of a two-layer system reducing the R-value that the insulation is able to achieve. However, the GreenStuf two-layer system has been rigorously tested to ensure the accuracy of the claimed R-value.
To provide an additional level of assurance, GreenStuf has the first BRANZ-appraised, double-layer system currently in the market. With the double-layer system, you will be able to achieve a minimum construction R-value of R6.6 and meet the H1 requirements for ceilings.
The beauty of a double layer is that the two layers can be laid perpendicular to reduce thermal bridging. Alternatively, with 90mm trusses, the bottom layer of insulation will pillow over to reduce thermal bridging. Either of these solutions works.
Additionally, our Thermal Ceiling Insulation R3.6 Blanket 140mm can be used in a double layer system. This will also allow you to achieve a minimum construction R-value of R6.6.