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Energy Efficiency h1
Housing and Buildings under 300m2
Wall Insulation Supplier Solutions
Buildings more than 300m2 - Wall Insulation Suppliers
Wall Insulation Supplier Solutions - Comfortech
Comfortech Building Performance Solutions® has a range of insulation products that will meet – and exceed – the insulation requirements in walls.
Pink® Batts® ULTRA®
Comfortech® is well prepared to help you with the new construction R-value of R2.0 nationwide. Our Pink® Batts® ULTRA® insulation products – with an R-value of R2.6 and R2.8 for a 90mm wall, or R3.2 to R4.3 for 140mm walls – ensure you can meet the required H1 5th Edition construction R-values.
Disclaimer: These solutions are the property of Comfortech, not PlaceMakers.