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    THRU-brackets are a range of formed galvanised steel brackets for reinforcing Radiata Pine SG10 solid timber and LVL10 floor joists (THRU-JOIST), studs (THRU-STUD) and top plates (THRU-TOP PLATE) to allow holes to be made for services.The full THRU-bracket range has been independently tested and appraised by BRANZ on Appraisal No 570 (2019).

    • THRU-JOIST brackets can be installed upside down from the bottom or the top of the joists
    • Can be installed anywhere along the joist
    • They have been designed and tested to meet deflection limits of L/360,Therefore THRU-JOIST brackets can be installed under wet areas and tiled floors
    • THRU-STUD brackets can be used on any length stud (90 x 45 mm)