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    Duratuf Lifestyle Estate Range sheds offer stylish, secure storage options that are ideal for suburban sections or larger properties on the city fringe. The Lifestyle Estate Milford shed is ideal as a tackroom, parking spot for a quad bike, or a silo to store feed for livestock. The roller door offers uninhibited access for larger items, while the solid construction and hi-tensile anti-rust steel cladding ensures a storage solution that is built to last. 0 This shed is customisable. Copy and paste this link into your web browser to go the 3D shed builder : https://shedbuilder-placemakers.duratuf.co.nz/#e38b448d7c8f2fc72d276d77d84d42c7

    • Solid treated timber frame
    • Durable high-quality roller door
    • Horizontal corrugate cladding for a timeless design aesthetic